
How To Add An Email Signature in OWA

If you use Outlook Web App (OWA), you can add your personal or company signature to your outgoing emails so they automatically appear each time. (If you use both Outlook Web App (OWA) and the Outlook desktop application and want a signature in both, you need to create a signature in both.)

Setting up your Signature

1. Log in to Outlook Web App by going to either or

2. At the top right right of the Outlook Web App page, just under your name, click Options > See All Options. The "Options" page will display.

3. Click on Settings in the left-hand column.

4. You should be in the Mail section automatically, but if not, click on Mail in the top navigation bar.

5. In the E-mail Signature box, type and format your signature.

6. To add your signature to all outgoing messages, select the Automatically include my signature on messages I send check box.

7. Click Save on the bottom-right of the screen or press CTRL+S to save your signature text and formatting.

NOTE: To Manually Add Your Signature
If you don't select the box to automatically add your signature to all outgoing messages, you can still add it to individual messages. Create your signature as described above, but don't select the Automatically include my signature on messages I send check box. When you create a new message, add your signature to it by clicking Insert Signature on the toolbar.


CAUTION: Signature Attachments
You cannot include an image file (such as a .gif or .tif) in your signature in Outlook Web App.
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